
Friday, September 23, 2011

A Little Bit of Science

This week we talked about properties of objects during our science time. We began by observing some objects. I hid a few objects under a towel, then revealed them for 30 seconds, and then asked the kids to describe what they saw. As they described them, we made this (crooked, awfully plain) chart. We only fit 2 of our objects on the chart.
(that says "loop", not "bop")
After making the chart, I took each category they used to describe the objects and we made a list of all the properties.

Throughout the week we sorted things and explored all of these properties. On one of the daily, the kids each brought in a baggie of different textured items. We did the whole, "put it in a baggie and tell what texture you feel" ordeal.

The next day we made this hand anchor chart to remind us of different textures. The kids each made their own version and labeled it.

I know, I know. Nothing too fabulous!!, but it was fun to teach. I'm a little dead after a long day at school. Also, all credit goes to the fabulous Carlton and CSCOPE at school!

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