
Saturday, September 10, 2011

iPod Touch in the Classroom

While I probably should be posting about what is going on in my classroom, I'm lame sauce and left my camera at home this week. (It was still packed in my suitcase from my labor day trip. It never made it back to my purse. You may be thinking "why didn't you just use your phone?". Well, because I rock the original iphone, the pictures aren't too grand.) So that post about graphing will just have to wait until Monday. I'll share then, promise!

So onto itouches--well, kind of. Let me tell you this first. The only technology I have in my classroom is a teacher computer and document camera. If we want to watch Discovery Education videos, I have to have my 21 firsties gather around my computer screen. I thought bringing my personal computer back and forth to work would help solve this problem, but our school does not have wireless access. I use my SmartBoard software on my personal computer, project it on the white pull down screen, and as the kids point and touch, I stand at the computer and click away. They think it's so cool--poor babies. They have no idea what it REALLY could be!

Classroom computers, oh how I miss them!! Not only were they an instant literacy station or math station, not only did that guarantee me 3 little ones who wouldn't be adding to the noise level, but it was TECHNOLOGY in the classroom of these digital learners.

I approached my principal about getting classroom computers. I learned that the old computer lab was divided into various classroom based on who would use them the most last year. Since I was not there last year, I was not able to get in on that. I was told that the district would not be purchasing computers this year. I was okay with that response because what I REALLY want are itouches to use in my classroom. My principal asked me to get together some information about what they are and how I would use them. She said they may be worth looking into! Those words were enough to get me SUPER excited!!

I was up until 1:10 a.m. last night working on gathering information. I woke up at 6:50 a.m. and my mind just kept going with what I could do with them!! (You know how that is, right??)

So now I turn to you, blog friends! Do you have itouches in your classroom? Do you have a digital learner at home who uses it in a powerful way? I am looking for anything wonderful that you have to share as far as integrating itouches in the classroom.


  1. I use iPod touches in my classroom! I have a total of five and I love them. The kids practice sight words, practice letter writing (for those that need handwriting practice, letter id (for those that are still learning letters, and I have several math addition/subtraction games. I can get you a list of the aps that I use and you can research them!! I hope you get them in your classroom :)

  2. what a smart idea...fake smartboard!!! I never even thought of that! lol I'm totally going to try that!!! Well, I can't complain...I have 2 good kids' computers, another semi good teacher computer (gave the kids the newest ones. i used to let the kids use mine, until my whole document file was erased!!!) and 3 old old out of date lab computers that dont even run on the net very well, so they are just used for the programs already on the machines. I was disappointed we still dont have smartboards, but at least i can classroom computers! We JUST got ipads! 3 ipads per classroom! woohoo! (I'm a short jump away, btw, in arlington). id be interested too in a list of apps! the district said they'd buy apps if we put in a request (apparently if they buy apps in groups of 20 they get them for half price). im still looking for good apps! I'll post back when i find some good ones. Can you send me a list as well?! Thanks and i hope you get some ipod touches/ipads!

  3. Ladies, I just HAVE to share with you that I am getting 6 iPod touches for my classroom!! YAYYY!!! Totally excited! Send those app lists on! :)
