
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Good Fit Books

Yesterday I allowed my kiddos to "book shop" for their books to use during Read to Self. I realized that they were definitely going to pick books that were too hard. Today I decided to rewind and do a lesson on the importance of things fitting just right. We talked about what it would be like to come to school in mom or dad's clothes. We talked about what it would be like to wear shoes that are too big. We also read Goldilocks and the Three Bears and talked about how she wanted things that were "just right". (Of course this chart was inspired by the many on Pinterest! CHELLO! :) )

We then made this anchor chart as I modeled what it would be like to read a book that was too easy and too hard. They thought it was funny as I read to fast or too slow. I finally feel like my room isn't looking so bland as we are getting things up on the walls!

Oh, we also made this as we moved along in writer's workshop! It's one of my FAVORITE lessons!

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