
Monday, August 8, 2011

First Day of School Magnet

First of all, WOW! I'm not sure where all of these followers came from, but when I saw that I went from 7 to 20 something I was humbled and moved to tears. I am so grateful! Like I have said, if I can just share 1 thing that saves someone else time, mission accomplished!!

I just returned from a wonderful vacation with my awesome husband! 5 days on the river and then a wedding filled with many friends. We had a blast! But now, back to work. I must admit, my mind didn't really stop going the whole time.

I was going through my old files on my hard drive and came across this little booger. I totally forgot I used to do this! I usually just use a clothes pin, add a piece of magnet to the back, and hot glue a circle on the other side. I then let the kids decorate the circle on their first day back using old crayons and old markers. (This then leads a lesson on taking care of our supplies. When they show that they can take care of them, then I dump the new ones in the table bins. It's like Christmas!)

At the end of the day I attach this little ditty to the clothes pin and send it home to be on their refrigerator all year. (I did not make this poem up. I found it online about 2 years ago. I have searched and searched for the source. No luck. If you know of it, please share!!)

Print it on colored paper, or let the kiddos color it. Enjoy it HERE!


  1. Very cute! Thanks for linking up!

    Fun In First

  2. Hands-on and a purposeful activity! A great activity to kick off the year! SMILES! (Love your Blog)

    1. Thank you! The kids talk about using it throughout the year and I refer to it a lot, too. :)

  3. I like the magnet activity. I'm sure the students will love it. Just found your blog through the linky and became a follower. Have a great 1st day.

    Ms. Fiorini’s Stadium

  4. I just found you through the linky & I'm your newest follower!! I love your magnet idea as a first day keepsake. I am excited to follow along with your blog & share ideas! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure
