
Saturday, July 16, 2011

First Week Read Alouds

Welcome to my blog!! I have enjoyed the teaching blog world and have been able to use SO many of the ideas that others have shared. I am ready to jump in this little social circle and share my ideas, too! I hope that I may be as helpful as many of YOU have been to me!!

During the first week of school there are SEVERAL books that I read-some of them more than once! I like to read No David and David Goes to School multiple times throughout the first week. We discuss all the things that David did that were not wise choices. We then talk about why we should not make those choices. On Friday, we write our class contract and all sign it. We talk about our promise to each other and what a "contract" is. We hang it in our classroom and it serves as a reminder throughout the year!

Today I'm linking up with Mrs. Saylor's Log.

1 comment:

  1. Super cute idea! I will make sure in my final list that your blog address appears!
