
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Behavior Chart

I had WONDERFUL co-workers last year that I learned so much from! One of them used a behavior chart much like this one. The kids all start out at "Ready to Learn" and then can move either up or down depending on their choices throughout the day. Her system seemed to work well for her. With inspiration from her (Love you Ms. White!) and other's around blog land, I decided to make my own. After all, my other "pin pulling chart" as we called it has been around for 3 years and while it's still truckin', I thought it was looking pretty dingy. I REALLY like how this one turned out. I just used scrapbook paper, card stock, and my printer! The wanted the top and bottom to stand out more than the others so I used scraps that I had in my scrapbook paper box already. There were just the right size. I'll laminate it once I get to school. I hope it inspires you to make something today!


  1. What a cute clip chart!! Where did you get the cute polka dot paper?

    Miss J
    Smiles, Crayons, and Endless Stories

  2. Hobby Lobby is where I found the paper. I just glued it together and ran it through the laminator. It hasn't torn one bit!
