
Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014: Fun and Family

2013 was a pretty amazing year.  As I have reflected on the past year the last few days, I have just had such a grateful heart!

God did some pretty BIG things, like giving us not one, but TWO children! 2014, however, will be the year I get to squeeze, hold, read to, tuck in, and pour Jesus into my two blessings!

Today I'm linking up with Blog Hoppin' and here is what I have in mind for Fun and Family for 2014!

What are your goals for more Fun and Family in 2014?  Hop over to Blog Hoppin' and see what others have in mind!

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  1. Congratulations, you must be so excited about the additions to your family!

    Literacy Spark

    1. We are!! Overwhelmed at times, but definitely more excited!! :) Thank you!!
