
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Time to Get My Shop On!

I really love shopping for others! I enjoy getting gifts for people that they may not ask for, but that I have jotted down throughout the year as I have heard things here and there. I just love it!

I also love wrapping gifts.  No gift bags under my tree. Baby Jesus was wrapped, right?! {It's a stretch, I know!}

Anyway, we are on DAY THREE of snow/ice day here in Texas so I thought I'd link up with Hope at 2nd Grade Shenanigans for a little shopping fun!

Every year it gets harder and harder for me to create my own list because when I want something, I usually either A.)Talk myself out of it or B.) Save up for it!  Parents want a list and so what happens is I spend from Thanksgiving to Christmas seeing things that make me say, "Oh! That'd be nice!" and putting it on a list.

I am TOTALLY obsessed with coats and jackets. I have more than I should. But every year, one makes the list. Here is this year's jacket.

I also love me some shoes! This year I have had my eye on these! Bringing back the KEDS!

I also asked for a cute, fun, camera strap to go with my new toy. EEKK!

With the new iPhone upgrades, the old alarm clock docking station no longer works. 

You can never go wrong with gift cards! I love to get them and I love to give them, too!

And, after watching Kid President, we will be purchasing some things from here for others.

Watch it. Let you soul be stirred! Give something this year that will change a life! 
Merry Christmas!!

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  1. I loooooove my Northface coat and vest. Amazing!
    Teaching in the Valley

  2. I love Kid President. I hadn't seen this video- what a great reminder about important gifts.
